About me


Hello! My name is Kayla Daniel. I was born and raised in Texas and live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with my wonderful husband, Mason, our beautiful daughter, Jane, and our newest member of the family, Theodore. Additional family members include our two dogs, a cat, and a handful of chickens.

After having a traumatic and unplanned cesarean delivery with my first child, I developed a passion for educating and empowering women during the birthing process. I want other women to have the knowledge they need to advocate for themselves and their babies throughout pregnancy and delivery.

I am a Certified DONA INTERNATIONAL birth doula CD(DONA) and am certified in breastfeeding and childbirth education.

I am a Christian and my views on life and giving birth are influenced by my faith. I believe God has planted this passion in my heart to show women what they’re capable of doing with their mind, body, and soul. Though my faith fuels my practice, I serve all women regardless of their beliefs and believe everyone has worth, value, and dignity, and the right to an educated, safe, and protected birth experience.

Why Did I become a Doula?

I had a very rough birth experience with my first born. Because of my lack of knowledge about pregnancy and delivery, I was unable to advocate for myself and fell victim to the fear tactics used by my providers during my pregnancy. I was coerced into a traumatic delivery and was robbed of a beautiful birth experience.

From that point on, I became dedicated and passionate about helping women become educated patients, ensuring their wants and needs were listened to and respected throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Birth should be empowering, uplifting, and celebrated! It is my goal to be a woman’s ally and help her find the strength and happiness she deserves during labor.

I want the women and families that I help to feel confident in their care decisions so that they have a birth experience that they will never want to forget. I also seek to help those trying to heal from past birth trauma so they regain their confidence and claim birth back as their own for any future pregnancies.